04. Okt 2015
Last not least all of those consist of natural materials, bound with 10% of artificial resin. As all of them do not absorb any water they do not wash out on the surface and are totally frost proof. The different denominations Acrylic Concrete / Polymer Concrete / Mineral Cast describe the use of different aggregate resp. artificial resins.
Sabine Wendorff
Inquiries / advice
+49 (0 66 41) 96 78 11
+49 (0 66 41) 96 78 20
e-mail: sbnwndrffmllthd
Carsten Grüner
Member of the Management Board / Operations Director
+49 (0 66 41) 96 78 15
+49 (0 66 41) 96 78 20
e-mail: crstngrnrmllthd